Here are a few things we have been up to. I feel like I haven't really taken very many pictures lately, probably because its been cold and we are boring. Also I realized I have hardly any pictures of myself for the past year, probably because I dont really like the way I look in pictures haha. Anyway Carlie is a rolling machine, she is starting to scoot and learn to sit up. She is a happy baby and laughs often.

We went to Vegas, Greg had to go for work so we went along with him and Sydnie saw the lions at the MGM Grand Hotel.

we tried to go swimming, the water was freezing but Sydnie still loved it. Greg lasted about 5 min. and then we all went in the spa.

Two days before Vegas we went to a Jazz/Clippers game, it was family night so we got a good deal on tickets. It was a lot of fun, I enjoy going to sporting events a lot more than watching them on TV, something about the atmosphere makes me have fun. The Clippers won and the only reason we were routing for them was because our friends are Jazz fans and we went with them haha.