Sunday, February 28, 2010


Well I have been stuck on 130-131 for about 2 1/2 weeks now and its so frustrating! Every day I get on that scale and the numbers start fluctuating I repeat 129 in my head over and over and every day I am let down. I feel like I'm stuck and I don't know what to do! I'm really unsure of portion size because I am nursing and I know I need those calories to produce milk. If anyone can give me and idea of what the line is so to speak. What can I do to help me loose weight but still be able to give my baby the nutrition that is best for her. Anyway I just have to kick my butt a little harder I guess. Hopefully in a couple weeks I will have a great number to report!


Ricki said...

In Weight Watchers they would tell us to be careful with the BLTs - Bites, Licks, and Tastes. When you are on a plateau, these add up. (You see I know what to do, I just can't seem to do it!)

Abrie Mikkelson said...

I would LOVE to be stuck at 130. You are insane. Love ya!