Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I got on the scale this morning simply because I was curious, and I have reached my goal....115. Now there is no promising that I will stay there for very long, I didn't do it the way I wanted to which is why im not really jumping for joy. I have had tonsillitis for almost a week. This leaves my tonsils so swollen and in pain that it is extremely hard to swallow. I have had barely any food, mostly just liquids. Im so tired of being sick! This has really hit me though. This week long sickness has taught me something I think..... I NEED to eat healthy always. As easy as it is to just grab some chips or chocolate chip granola bars to snack on I need to be replacing that with fresh fruit and veggies. I need to stock up on the healthy stuff and not even buy the yummy junk. It is so yummy. I wish junk wasn't so yummy. Another one of those things to help us grow I think. Who can be strong and do what they know is good for them? Well I won't promise anything, but im sure going to try! I have had it with being sick and I really don't want to get THIS sick again. So heres the goal to start off with....... sugar once a week, fruit and veggies EVERY DAY. I can do it. I can do it.