Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sydnie Jean at 18 mons

Sydnie is 18 months old. I seriously cannot believe it! I was filling out my new calender and it just blows my mind that she will turn 2 this year. I wanted to upload a video but they take FOREVER so I will just record what she is doing in words. She says cheese for me when I take a picture, most of the time. She counts to 10 all by her self. She says the abc's up to K. If you say "you" she will finish it with "are so cute!" Love it!

Sometimes she falls asleep in funny places, the other day it was her high chair because I was making her finish her sandwich.
she climbs on anything and everything.

And of course she makes PLENTY of messes. I think once you have kids your house will never stay clean for more than 2 mins at a time
And she is so loving and gives us kisses and hugs all the time, including her favorite baby sister. She loves babies and often plays mother with her doll. I caught her trying to suck the boogers out of her dolls nose with a "nose sucker" not sure what the correct name for it is haha.


The Vickrey's said...

What cute girls you have.Congrats! Don't they grow up way too fast. It's crazy how one day they are babies and then all of a sudden they are big kids! Yikes...anyhow cute pics

Abrie Mikkelson said...

Love her! I can totally see her sucking the snot out of her baby. Well, maybe now she'll be more understanding when you do it to her:)

Ricki said...

These are so cute. Would it take too long to put these on the family blog. I don't know if Dad ever checks your personal blog. Love you all.

Rey and Melanie said...

She is TOO cute!!! I love that she will always let me hold her. She needs to come over and play with Emree and then go to sleep in our room so we can hang out!