Friday, July 3, 2009

A Whole Year! WHAT?!?!

One year ago today I was checking into Saint Marys Hospital, telling the nurses,"I think im in labor, thats what my NP just told me at my app." (you can read all about it on my post from a year ago) Sydnie was 3 weeks early and I checked in dialated to a 5. She was so nice and didn't cause me pain until I was at an 8. Forty min. of pain and I got a "heaven shot" then 30 min later she was here. I was only in the hospital a total of 5 hours before she graced us with her presence. I could not believe the great love I had for her the moment I saw her! I didn't sleep much that night, one because the baby next to me was waling the whole time, and two because I just wanted to hold her and make sure she was still there and alive every 10 min. I am so blessed to have this little girl in my life, she is amazing and I love watching her grow every day. Every new step is exciting, from her first smile to laugh to sitting up to crawling, and she is now taking steps.  She is so innocent and pure, I can't help but to be happy around her. She makes me want to be a better mother and friend to her.  I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN A YEAR! The time goes by so fast! I feel like freezing it sometimes and keeping her right where she is. I LOVE HER soooo much! Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl!

P.S birthday pics and such to come later


Abrie Mikkelson said...

Happy birthday sweet Sydnie! We love you!

The Vickrey's said...

Oh wow, already a year huh?? Hey so did you ever figure out how to make peoples blogs including your own show up when it was last posted like for instance mine says like 6 months ago on some peoples but then i updated like 2 weeks ago, so I remember you posting something about it so I just wondered if u figured it out. By the way hows this pregnancy treating you? When r u due again?

HG Photography said...

yea I did, I think yours doesnt show because its a private blog, mine isnt private. Pregnancy is tiring but good, Im due in Oct. I am hoping to be early again that would be nice.

Leighann said...

Thank you for posting this Heather!! Sydnie is so sweet, I love seeing her too. What a blessing she is to this family, and you also!! Sheesh, Greg is so different since you came into his life, and even more so now that Sydnie is here. Thank you for completing my brother. :D Love you!!